#HP48 HOURS Film Weekend an exciting success!!

It all began as an idea, as most things do. Some whack epiphany prior to 2009, lots of loitering and a heck of a lot of talking haha. It has been years and years of brainstorming, discussions, and planning between Steve and Tracey to finally them getting off their buts and launching our Film projects and Initiatives which will be envisioned through Vector Group Charitable Trust’s initiative, Te Puke Film. Te Puke film was launched at 4pm on the 11th of August 2017 where we ran an introductory event with Anton Steel who is form BOP Film. Anton shared his story with some Te Puke youth.
From there we officially launched Te Puke Film along with it’s branding.
Our first daunting project was to enter the HP48 Hour Film Weekend. I mean, what were we thinking, right! Well we completed it with such an amazing success.
Huge big shout out to Eleos Trust as our main sponsor for the #HP48Hours Film Weekend.
We had a total of 4 adults and 11 young people, 3 of which are Type 1 Diabetics. The weekend consisted of team building, collaboration, adaptability, skills and relationship building, creativity, belonging, forgiveness haha, craziness and so much fun yet not any sleep. Oh and I forgot lots of sponsored V drinks and Maketu Pies
Thankyou Eleos Trust, Jenny Utting and others for believing in us and especially our Te Puke youth. It was a great place to discuss future projects as well, one of which will be a doco centered around a specific health issue.
We also had a family viewing tonight and handed out each youth that participated a certificate of excellence. So again thankyou Eleos Trust and those who went in to bat for us. We couldn’t of done this without your help.
Huge gratitude also to you Maketu pies for making it a little easier on us prepping food all weekend.
#celebration #tepukeyouth #youthcreatives #eleostrust #disability#belonging #relationashipbuilding #goodnessgrowshere#tepukegoodnessgrowshere
Vector Group Charitable Trust launches Te Puke Film.