For Those Interested in Reading Steve’s Latest Academic Paper

Hi friends, for those interested in reading Steve’s latest essay–
How Might a Girardian (Scapegoat Theory) Reading of Zimri and Cozbi’s Assassination in Numbers 25 Challenge a Theology of Sacred Violence
My endeavour is to critique the glorification of sacred violence as detrimental to stories of love, life and wellbeing. In some ways, contrary to the popular versioning of sacred violence, my macro approach (Girardian Scapegoat Theory) will be somewhat lens-reversed, framing and exposing the error of scapegoating. My hope is to do justice: not only to a particularly ambiguous text, but to the couple in love , a stranger in the land, to life and humanity as the onlooker, to a people group overcome by plague and fear of a wrathful and tribal God.
This project was a process of three sections during a semester. It is a mini-thesis in prep for 40k Masters Thesis next year. Big huge thanks to my tutor Dr Greg Liston and my awesome advisory Dr Yael Cameron. I rated this course the best in 5 years of theological study. Laidlaw rocks!
Special thanks to Andre Rabe in his book suggestions and specifically around the term Azazel, which didn’t get too much mention here but certainly will in main thesis.
Special thanks to Michael Hardin for skype chat and some good pointers around Phinehas (zeal comparisons) and sources, which I will hopefully use in main thesis.
This is my first publicized paper with a word count limitation of 7k words.
Footnotes a little heavy due to above limits.
Special thanks to Facebook friends overseas! it is Facebook discussions with you that have added to the transformation of my theology and person-hood.
Of course!! big hugs and kisses go out to my wife TRacey Fawcett and family for walking with me in this journey. Without your support, motivation, heart, listening and hugs, I would not of survived this last semester. Tracey our conversations have grown and love the insight you have.
Last but not least, special thanks to Mimesis Academy students of 2016 for your patience with me hahahahah and the conversations we had. What a year that was! 2017 MA students see ya soon 😉
You can find Steve on Facebook here