Announcement: People First New Zealand Ngā Tāngata Tuatahi in VGCT Centre

We will be hosting People First New Zealand Ngā Tāngata Tuatahi in our space during 2018 and invite all who are interested to attend.
What is People First?
People First New Zealand Ngā Tāngata Tuatahi is a self-advocacy organisation run by and for people with learning / intellectual disability.
Members meet monthly and learn about their rights and how to speak-up for what they want:
- in their lives
- in the community
- in New Zealand.
When Monday, 5th February 2018
Where Old Te Puke RSA Building, 16 Oxford St.
Who Everyone 18 and over 18 years old who has a learning / intellectual disability is welcome.
For more information
Contact / text Yi 027 526 3387
or email
Meetings will be held the first of every month with dates listed below.
5th February
5th March
9th April
7th May
4th June
2nd July
6th August
3rd September
1st October