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THE Objects in New Zealand for Which this Trust is Established are:

THE Trust herein declared shall be called and known as: Vector Group Charitable Trust (Envisioning Sustainable Communities Creatively)

1. (hereinafter called “the Trust”).


2.THE objects in New Zealand for which this Trust is established are:

2.1 To identify and support the needs of families\whanau and individuals within the local & wider community, through the development and provision of:

  • a home-based support service for families\whanau experiencing difficulties which are threatening the family unit\whanau to educate and teach positive life skills;
  • to establish homes for the needy, ie; primarily unwed mothers, and at risk youth, with the purpose to educate and appropriate quality of life,
  • to provide buildings and venues, as an access to the community, supplying needs to the community as able
  • to promote and encourage the unity and participation within communities
  • to promote social, economic and cultural equity
  • to address unemployment issues, by providing training, education and development programmes, so as to unleash passion and the potential within
  • action adventure and the promotion of healthy living, care, guidance and support for young persons who are socially or economically disadvantaged, unemployed or who are at risk of offending against the law;
  • support and guidance to those requiring the services of the Trust by means of advocacy and liaison with community resources and services;
  • camps, retreats conferences workshops, meetings, rallies, festivals, clinics, mentoring groups, seminars and courses and the like which would teach home and family management skills, budgeting skills, awareness of health and related issues, to communicate and demonstrate the message and values of Christian ethics and principles;
  • support and development of interpersonal and communication skills of the family\whanau, young people, women and men.
  • to provide a focal point within the community to assist in the development of a community identity and to collaborate and be a support network with any people, refuge’s, schools, churches, social development, and bodies or institutions for this purpose.
  • to establish and provide for disadvantaged and or disabled people who are committed to taking advantage of “second chance” education or training.
  • to establish and provide for people seeking a qualification or training which will enable them to make a greater contribution in the community.
  • to establish maintain and preserve a suitable venue for providing a centre for the facilitating of seminars, workshops, meetings and other similar community orientated activities as may be considered appropriate.
  • to provide transportation for the community to access events and the like, for training, development and for any purpose the trust might see fit
  • to provide literature, books studies, and other media resources
  • to release people into various areas of the Trust as needed, creating new job opportunities
  • to research overseas peoples and cultures and investigate topics by the way of travel that will help us to increase our contribution to the community and objects
  • to research and provide youth development and community development outcomes. To investigate ways and means of improving youth support and mentoring in Te Puke.
  • to be youth and community led, transparent and collaborative.
  • to support youth by running projects, programmes and services, aimed at directing their passion and purpose, toward a more rewarding and value added future.
  • to facilitate access to information relative to their needs, especially, fields of education and employment.
  • to provide all planned services in a manner, in line with non-violent, peaceable and reconciliatory principles.
  • to connect and collaborate with existing services. Seek to work with other agencies to identify the needs of youth, support and encouragement for youth, and related programs.
  • to be culturally sensitive to the requirements of the youth.
  • to liaise with whanau/wider family in support of the youth.

2.2 The Trust will endeavor to procure Economic activities that will enable the Trust to fulfill the purpose to the stated objects.
2.3 For such other charitable purposes as the Trust shall determine and any other purposes set by the trust that fit in with the Trust’s Christian (Girardian) philosophy base.


About Vector Group

Vision: A community where diversity is celebrated, and every person feels included. Mission: To create opportunities for healthy connections and self-expression. To support people who work with young people, and thereby enhance youth engagement and development and creatives so that young people thrive.