Statement of Intent – VGCT, Annual and Long Term Plan

Statement of Intent – (working document).
Vector Group Charitable Trust – Philanthropic
- B2Business
- B2Non-Profit
- B2Youth
- Alignment to the Western Bay of Plenty Short and Long Term Plan.
Belonging, inclusion, relationship, diversity, celebration.
[Recreation, Support, Economic, Environmental, Social Enterprise, Creativity, Tourism]
What’s in the name
The Why, the How and the What of Vector Group – Envisioning Sustainable Communities Creatively
Trust Objects
Official Purpose and Structure
VGCT CC Licensing – IP (Intellectual Property)
Building a Better Community Through Diversity & Inclusion
Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Police Vetting
Short Term Plan – (carries over to LT Plan).
- Te Puke Film
- Te Puke Directory
- Te Puke Table Tennis Club
- Free Wi-Fi
- Youth and community creatives centre 16 Oxford Street, Te Puke
- Pop-Up Ball Shop
- Te Puke Web Design and Hosting
- Pizza and Politics
- Feasibility, surveys, three years of conversations
In process/planning
- Te Puke Skate Club
- Te Puke Skate Park extension
- Te Puke Community Ball
- Te Puke Women’s Event
- Te Puke Chess Club
- Library of Things
- Te Puke Magazine and Newspaper
- Te Puke Op Shop- Social Enterprise
- Te Puke PTE mentioned below is in process, working alongside BMINZ.
Long Term Plan
- Purpose built youth Creatives community centre.
- Dedicated free Wi-Fi tower like in Tauranga in at least two locations
- Te Puke Radio – youth and community led
- Te Puke Tourism – Travel, Tours, Accommodation, value adding to TP EDG.
- Te Puke Recording Studio, cultural, bands
- Te Puke Trade show and intro, youth get exposed to trades not just academia, opportunity for signups, voluntary, cv building, experience.
- Arts and culture workshops, events.
- Te puke Health –
- CACTUS in the Community – bootcamp
- Health workshops
- Pilates, yoga, open spaces public fun park exercise
- Youth into gyms, boxing and fitness
- Youth trained as PT
- First aid and emergency response courses
- Dance and creative arts studio
- Te Puke PTE
- Health and safety training
- Forklift licensing
- Agribusiness training
- Marketing training and workshops
- Business mentoring and training
- Barista Training and workshops
- Hair dressing training and workshops
- Specific and Transferable Skills based workshops
- Setting up youth in Business, entrepreneurial, social enterprise.
- Te Puke Environmental
- Support to environmental groups
- Raising awareness, film, web, radio, magazine et al.
- Electric bike hire
- Water testing and training
- Recycling zero waste workshops
- Solar initiatives and workshops
- Clean up NZ and additional “Te Puke” clean-up focus weeks
- Jubilee Park extension
- Multipurpose Professional Skate Bowl/Pool. Winter is skate bowl, half of summer is used as pool.
- Multipurpose Outdoor skating rink/toddler pool – see Caroline Bay Park example, Timaru.
- Small walk through rose garden with seating
- Lock up stall shops, can be used as food outlets for events and/or fair activities
- Power by skatepark security camera on top side for us to setup sound equipment
- Movies in the Park, Outdoor cinema initiated by Te Puke Film
- Festival and competitions-
- Miss Te Puke Pageant
- Bboy Comps, Cultural, Hip hop
- Music in the Park
- Other events and festival initiatives in collaboration with Epic, Toy library, Community Markets and other groups.
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